If You Love Your Freedom, Thank A Vet!
Please help us make a difference. We are counting on you to help us support our veterans. Please do not forget these veterans are the ones who paid a high price for the freedom we enjoy today. As Americans we must remember this. The support you give to the Veterans Support Organization is one way to show how much you care. Whatever you can give means so much to those who gave so much. Please remember that your contribution is tax deductable. We will make a difference one donation at a time! Please make all donation checks payable to: Veterans Support Organization and mail them to: 4925 N. University Drive, Lauderhill, Florida 33351
If you would like to make a one time online donation, please click on "Make a Donation". If you would like to make a continuous monthly donation, please click on "$25 Monthly Gift". Remember, all donations are tax deductable. If you would like to receive donation information by phone or email, please Click Here.
Corporate Sponsorship:
The VSO accepts donations from major corporations. Many corporations help us help our veterans in need by allowing us to solicit donations at their places of business. If you would like to assist us in accomplishing our mission, please Click Here
In order to continue our mission we depend on contibutions from caring people just like you! If you know of anyone who you think would like to help us help our veterans in need please
Click Here. All information is kept strictly confidential.
VSO also has work programs for Veterans and Non-Veterans that collect donations to help our veterans. This work program serves a dual purpose as the funds collected are helping Veterans in need while homeless and/or unemployed are being provided work and the ability to improve the quality of their lifeVSO is a true non-profit charitable organization where your donations given to our collectors out in the field go directly to supporting American veterans.