About Veteran's Support Organization

Founded in 2001, VSO is a 501C3 non-profit charitable organization that helps homeless, needy and disabled veterans in areas surrounding our offices. The VSO currently operates in Rhode Island, Texas, Tennessee, New York, Georgia, and Florida. The organization’s fundraising efforts are accomplished with the support from businesses and stores throughout Rhode Island, Texas, Tennessee, New York, Georgia, and Florida. Donations collected are forwarded to the Department of Veterans Affairs Voluntary Services to support various programs offered to veterans such as recreational activities, patient coffee program, patient emergency needs, etc.

A common question our fundraisers are asked while raising money for homeless and disabled veterans is, of course, “Why are they homeless?” In addition to the complex set of factors already affecting all homeless people: extreme shortage of affordable housing, livable income, and access to affordable healthcare, a large number of displaced and at-risk veterans live with the lingering affects of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and substance abuse. These factors all become compounded by a lack of family and social support networks for homeless veterans. While most homeless veterans are single unaffiliated men, most housing money in existing federal homelessness programs, in contrast, is devoted to helping homeless families or homeless women with dependent children, as stated in Understanding Homelessness: New Policy and Research Perspectives, published by Fannie Mae Foundation, 1997.

It is the mission of the VSO to further help and support the homeless, disabled and needy veteran population through various fundraising efforts. The more the organization grows the less of a threat homelessness and lack of resources to treat the needy is to our local veteran population.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Veteran’s Radio Show

Veteran's Support Organization is a Proud Sponsor of International Veteran's Radio Show on W4CY Internet Radio

Everyone should show their support for veterans by listening to the best veteran radio show on Internet Radio. Veteran's Support Organization has sponsored this show in order to keep veterans all over the country and the world informed on important issues that effect their everyday lives. The host of the show, David Knapp, is the Southern Commander of The American Legion and is a veteran who dedicates his heart and soul to helping veterans.
This show offers any information on events, benefits or any thing else that will benefit Veterans, Active Duty and their families. Knapster will also do shout outs to supporters of the show and our Soldiers and will as the opportunity presents itself, have an occasional guest whose company is interested in hiring Veterans. We will also try to help Veterans with problems with VA issues, claims or anything else by using the strengh of the American Legion and other support networks like Veteran's Support

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